| Litigation database

A database covering all species protection administrative court cases from all national court in all Member States of the European Union. Read more information about the database or search cases below.

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The database contains 6827 court rulings. Last updated on 2024-06-17

Search interface:

The database can be searched through different fields, or combination of fields. Choosing a field on the left search menu updates the corresponding options on the right search menu. 

Criteria to search the database:

You can search court cases by the protected species (for Habitats Directive cases) or bird (for Birds Directive cases) they deal with, the country where the cases took place and the case language, the year of the cases, the activity involved, the types of plaintiff or defendant, the types of court and litigation as well as the judicial decision.

Advanced search:

When combining fields (by clicking ‘ADD FIELD’), the logical is operator is ‘AND’, which means that the search will return cases for which all search criteria are met. To re-initialize a search, click ‘RESET’.

Design and implementation by Guillaume Chapron © 2023–2024. Contact: guillaume.chapron@slu.se